Saturday, January 31, 2009

Matthew Ward - Consume Me

Consume Me Oh Lord, My God
Consume Me Oh Lord, My God

For your ways are better than my ways
And your thoughts much higher than mine
And the light you give is much stronger
Than anything that I hold on to
Anything I leave behind

Consume Me Oh Lord, My God
Consume Me Oh Lord, My God

To understand is better than silver
And your wisdom much finer than gold
And the light you give is far brighter
Than any darkness that surrounds me
Than anything that might take hold

Consume Me Oh Lord, My God
Consume Me Oh Lord, My God

Let me dwell within your presence
Let me know your ways
Let me learn to let go of my will
Let me drown in the river that is flowing from your heart

Oh Lord, My God,
Consume Me, Oh Lord, My God
Consume Me, Oh Lord, My God
Consume Me, Oh Lord, My God

Holy Fire burn my heart
Leave behind your precious gold
Holy Fire burn my heart
Leave behind your precious gold

Consume Me Oh Lord, My God
Consume Me Oh Lord, My God
Consume Me Oh Lord, My God

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